How Passive is Affiliate Income?

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"Getting Started Takes Time and Work... 
But Once The Ball is Rolling The Sky is the Limit"


I get a lot of questions from people about the topic of affiliate marketing and because of this I decided to put together a long article on affiliate marketing for beginners.  Many questions come up about this topic such as 'what is affiliate marketing?' 'How does it work?',  'How do I get started?'  How can I make affiliate marketing into a career.  Because all of these questions are so closely linked together I decided to put together this all inclusive guide on affiliate marketing for beginners that covers all the basics from A-Z.

Here we will look at:

  • What affiliate marketing actually is
  • How it works
  • How to Make Money From it
  • Choosing the right products
  • Tools for success: website, blog, email lists
  • Getting Traffic

So to start off we can note that affiliate marketing has really been generating a buzz online and many people are eager to get in on this gold rush, and all for good reason: when done right affiliate marketing can be incredibly profitable.

For people just starting out, there’s no easier or faster method of generating income. For anyone who already operates their own online business, selling other people’s products can create a substantial boost to the income they’re already receiving.  So it's no surprise that this business model has been receiving so much attention online in the past few years.

So what is Affiliate marketing?  And what makes it so great?  

The attractiveness of affiliate marketing as a business model is mainly due to the fact that the affiliate only has one main task to perform, and that is to promote whatever product or service they believe will produce the most sales and the most profit. The product owner does all the other work.

In theory, you don’t even need a website in order to make money as an affiliate. You can simply promote your assigned affiliate link and then send prospective buyers to the owner’s sales page.

Naturally almost every other affiliate will be doing the exact same thing, and this creates a problem especially in 2019. If all you’re doing is directing targeted traffic through your affiliate sales link, you’ll be competing on an equal level with countless other people who are promoting the same product.  Not only that, but in the past few years it has gotten harder; gone are the days of getting sales by spamming social media with affiliate links.  Not only does it get people banned: it's not profitable and its not ethical.

Success comes to affiliate marketers who break away from the herd and promote their products in a more creative and intelligent way.

Be a Super Affiliate

There are some marketers called 'super affiliates' out there, who make a great deal of money selling other people’s products. The reason for their success is that they promote their affiliate products as if they were promoting their own products.  That means they are investing time in building their own content and add value to the product so that they stand out from their competitors.

Although there’s a given sales page that the companies give you with each of their affiliate products, super affiliates create a page on their own website in order to pre-sell the item. In other words, they get the prospect primed and ready to purchase prior to sending them to the owner’s sales page.

Super affiliates use pay per click advertising to get targeted leads. They know the golden rule in all business is  that it takes money to make money. Keeping this in mind most of them have mastered the art of setting up pay per click ads. They know the precise wording for their add text, how much to bid, and exactly which prospects to target.  And its exactly because they've mastered this critical part of the game that they are able to make serious amounts of money.

But for super affiliates there is much more to do than having their own website and using pay per click.  There are many other actions that make up their routine.  

Here is a cheat sheet:

                          ·     Writing product reviews, recommendations, and testimonials.

·     Maintaining niche blog sites related to the products they are selling.

·     Guest posting on other people's blogs and writing niche related articles

·     Offering bonuses to people who buys products through their page

·      Giving away free valuable content via their blog, ebooks, or new letter

·      Building email lists with lead capture pages and lead magnets

·      Creating and using their own marketing materials, i.e. emails, blog posts, etc

The most important method on this list is the last one: 

creating your own marketing materials. 

Sure, it is quicker and easier for other affiliates to is just copy and paste sales copy given by the product owner, but it is much less effective than writing your own content. The reason for this is that people can sense that it is generic and there is a good chance that they have seen the style before.  This hurts the trust trust of your prospects and ultimately it hurts your sales.

Rather, what super affilates do is this, they create their own original content and even develop their own unique style and a brand that can build popularity over time.  When people start recognizing your particular brand then whole new doors open. In the short term, writing your own sales copy allows you to make better sales copy than the average competitor.  Either way you will make more money in both the short term and the long term.

So that's it right?.... think again!

There are more bases to be covered in the affiliate marketing game:

Experienced marketers invest much time and energy researching product trends before choosing a product to promote. They don't just hop on to click bank and pick something after looking at a few products for 20 minutes, no. Rather than jumping at every shinny object that comes their way, the experienced marketer uses research tools to spot trends in order to pick the most profitable and convertible products.

The art of choosing the right product is critical for success in affiliate marketing.  It requires the right combination of past experience, gut instinct and the ability to determine the level of interest and demand, especially in identifying rising trends.

Keeping this in mind there are THREE major factors to consider when choosing a product to promote: 

·    1.) How effective is the products sales page?  Can you fix any problems that are are present?

·    2.) Can you verify the quality and value of the product?

·    3.) Do you have access to enough product information to market it effectively? 

These are all pass fail questions you should be asking when thinking about a product.  If a product cannot pass any of these questions, then it's not worth promoting, plain and simple. 

Super affiliates work hard to get the results that make affiliate marketing so attractive to us.  Their success, like most things worth while, doesn't come over night--it is the result of their hard work and correct decisions regarding which product to promote, which sales copy to use, building their own sales channels and understanding paid advertising.

The ultimate pay off from all of this is the ability to make tons of money simply by writing a few emails and/or running some add campaigns.  It's basically a money making machine that can be turned on with a few clicks, but the machine must be built first.  Is it worth it?  I think the answer to that question is obvious.

Choosing the Right Product- Step by Step

It can be quite difficult sometimes when deciding on the right product for affiliate marketing, one of the reasons for this, is that the factors that determine a product's profitability aren't always very clear.

Unfortunately there are some situations where trial and error, in other words actual testing is the only way to know if a product is a winner or not. Luckily though, there are other factors you can consider when choosing a product that will reduce the risk considerably.

1. Product Demand: it is essential to first identify whether or not there's any significant demand for your product. This can be done by using google's keyword planner to identify how man searches are being done for a product each month, you can also look at the stats for sold items on sites like Ebay and Amazon for instance.  But this not enough; let's say you found a popular product, but the caveat is that you don't know who buy's that product and if you can reasonably target that audience or not.  So the second phase of your research is to find out who your target audience is, look at what you need to reach them, and then assess if it fits your skills and overall business model. 

2. Sales Page Health:
 Look at the product's sales page and decide if it has good sales copy.  Do you think it can convert visitors into buyers? How much work will you need to do to override any issues on the sales page?  If it's that bad you should consider a different product to promote.  

3. Profit Potential: What percentage will you get for every sale?  Usually physical products have a much lower profit margin while digital products are much more generous, I means like 30-100% profits in many cases.

Ebooks and software products for instance often offer 50% commission. Some people offer 100% commission with the idea of up-selling their new client further down the sales funner.

Physical items on the other hand might be easier to sell in some situations, but their commissions often range from 5-20%.  The price of a product however can override this downside, for example if you sell BBQ's at $3-600 a pop, you’re not doing too bad.

4. Quality and Reputation: the quality of the product is critical for your success and this goes hand in hand with the reputation of the seller/creator. Selling a bad product will usually hurt sales, but more damaging is it will hurt your reputation.  Reputation and trust is key to long term success in affiliate marketing.

5. Tracking and Testing: You need to track everything in your online marketing business, and with that information split test different products, sales strategies, and traffic methods.  That is the real key to success, testing, testing, testing.  But you cannot test anything without collecting valuable data.  So track your visitors, our ads, your sales, your leads, your click through rate CTR, your open rates etc.  Then compare different methods and stick with the ones the work best..

NOTE: you can earn 50% commissions from digital products, by going 

How to Search for Affiliate Programs

There are three different ways you can find affiliate programs:

1. Searching the web according to your chosen niche.

2. Affiliate marketing networks such as click bank, warrior plus, or JVzoo.

3. Affiliate marketing directories.

Searching the Web

If you've done proper product research using the principles we looked at in choosing the right product (choosing a product in demand and targeting the right audience) then searching for affiliate programs on the web can be the most rewarding option albeit the most time consuming. 

To do this you will first need to research appropriate keywords. Assuming you've already found the right keywords and done your research using the keyword research tool, you can then conduct searches using these keywords.  Also pay attention to the keywords that google search will suggest since these are often the actual words and phrases that people are actually typing when doing their search. This you will want to note for when you try to rank your blog posts and your website.  This is a whole other topic on its own though, and I have step by step guides for this on this blog.  

By typing these relevant keywords into google search you will find websites for the products you want to promote. Many of these sites will have affiliate programs listed either on their main menu or down on the footer of their page.  Click on their affiliate programs link and see if their commissions look attractive, then evaluate their sales pages and affiliate tools before making any commitments.  Review the criteria we discussed about choosing the right product when doing this.

Another part of your search involves typing any given keyword plus the word 'affiliate' into google. For example, “custom jewelry affiiate” or “affiliate vapes“. This will either lead you straight to the affiliate programs of relevant companies or lead you to other people's affiliate sites for those products.  Either way you will find related affiliate programs which you can then evaluate.

Once you have found a good affiliate offer that passes your standards, you can then open an affiliate account with that company and begin building your website, blogs, email list etc.  In short begin building your money machine...

Affiliate Networks

I highly recommend looking for our product on popular affiliate networks. 

Popular affiliate marketing websites such as Commission Junction ( ) and Click Bank ) make finding profitable affiliate programs super easy. They include a wide range of niches along with great rating systems, which makes these networks ideal sources for matching an affiliate program with your chosen product.  

Warrior Plus ( and JvZoo ( are also excellent buy they deal mainly with the making money on line niche.  

How to Be Competitive

If there is one thing I've made clear in this guide, I hope that it is the fact that there is a tremendous amount of competition and this means that you need to build your own site and sales copy and develop a unique style of your own that is fine tuned by testing, testing, and more testing... there is no magic bullet.

How to do this:                  

1. Use Your Own Website

If you don’t already have a website, typically using wordpress which is a simple site builder which you can load onto your hosting account, get one. If you have a website but it doesn’t lend itself to promoting other people’s products and services, put a site together that does.  You really should get a custom domain to build your personal brand.  The cheapest place for that is domain cheap.  You can then get cheap hosting on blue host or host gator.  They have the best deals that I can find.  Blue Host is about $2 per month for one domain, and Host Gator has a plan for unlimited domains with prices ranging from 3-8 dollars per month.  Personally I prefer Host Gator since I am able to build several niche blogs without extra cost. 

I have a separate article that shows you how to set up an affiliate site using word press.  Which you should only look at after studying this guide.

There are several advantages to having your own site:

Having your own wordpress site allows you to pre-sell your affiliate products. Sending cold traffic to affiliate links just doesn't work in 2019.  If you warm the traffic up by first bringing them to your own sales page or blog you can warm them up before sending to the affiliate page.  Give them quality content and show them your personality.  Do that and people will, like you, trust you and want to buy from you.  

You can give them useful tips that then open the door for them buying the product, you can write testimonials, or you can made direct recommendations by stating a problem and then identifying a solution that points to the product you are promoting.  Naturally the niche you choose will dictate the sales method, different methods work better for different niches.

3. Use Youtube and Your Blog to Promote Your Niche

Blogging and/or using Youtube is probably the best way to promote your products.  The absolute best is probably using youtube and your blog together.  

These methods allow you to reach a large number of people interested in your niche and to build a relationship with them which ultimately produces followers and vlauable leads for your business.

Of course, you can’t simply use your blog or youtube channel to just straight out sell things. You will need to provide valuable and useful content, something that will not only make people want to hear you, but will have them following your posts and videos.

The easiest content - at least for anyone who relies on affiliate sales - is simply to provide product reviews. If, for example, you promote various pet supplies and training ebooks, you could create a blog for that particular niche and then include in-depth reports about different aspects of individual products.

You could also give tips and advice with regard to using any of the products. Or you could provide ideas on how the products can best be utilized. You could even ask readers to offer their own opinions and recommendations.

In most instances, these types of postings will spur comments from viewers, which in turn will spur comments from other viewers. And of course, the more comments that get posted, the more interest will be generated overall.

4. Write and Distribute Articles

Writing articles was more popular for getting traffic and sales about five years ago, while in 2019 the most potent way of building your brand and getting traffic is probably facebook and youtube.

However, you shouldn't underestimate aritcle writing, as it is still used by some of the top bloggers in the industry and it is still a powerful tool to build your brand, especially if you combine it with social media, youtube, and your blog.  All of these mediums allow more eyballs to see you, your brand, getting you more traffic, more trust, and ultimately more sales.

In your articles makes sure to link to your facebook profile, your sales page, your blog, and or youtube channel. Again all roads lead to Rome and all articles should lead to your product reviews and ultimately your affilate sales page.

Once your articles are polished and ready simply submit them to as many online directories you can find. Again this can be done with a simple google search. Here are two well known directories to get you started: 

Article City

Ezine Articles

5. Give Away Bonuses

This method is very powerful as you are essentially bribing prospects into buying from your link instead of a competitor's. This is all done by throwing in another product or service that adds to or enhances the one that the prospect is buying. 

The more valuable the bonus the better so long as you can afford to give it away.  Typically digital products such as ebooks or software are used as bonuses, many of which you can get in bulk on PLR stores.  These are online stores that sell the private label rights to products so you can rebrand them and sell them or give them away.  

I will do a post just on bonuses in the future, but for now you could simply search PLR and your niche keyword in google to find some good PLR.  

Even if you are selling physical products you can still give away an ebook that well help them use that product.  So you need to use your imagination a bit here.

6. Give Away Your Secret Sauce

Successful affiliates don't dismiss visitors who are not interested in buying. Rather, they offer them valuable tips and information for free in order to engage the visitor and buld a relationship with that viewer that lasts over time.  Again this ultimately builds trust and allows you to pitch to them indirectly through the free information that you give them.  

Give them your secret sauce, you want to wow them with the value your website, or blog provides them.  This makes them think that they are missing out if they don't purchase the product.  The logic goes like this, if his free stuff is this good at helping me solve my problem, what am I missing if I don't buy the product he/she recommends?

You can give them:

  • An Ebook
  • A cheat sheet
  • Some software
  • A free email course
Whatever you do though, make sure that you regularly refer back to the problem that the client came to you for, help them with it and then remind them about the product which will help them even more. 

7. Capture Names And Email Addresses

The money is in the list. This is not much of a secret anymore, its chanted across the web by every affilate marketing guru out there, and for good reason: it's true. 

Many people who visit your site and sales page aren't ready to purchase and need more time, or to get to know you better and learn more about the product.  If you don't capture their email and build a relationship with them chances are, that they will eventually buy, but from someone else.  

Building an email list is critical for your success. Experts estimate that on average each subscriber on your list is worth $1 per month. Keeping in mind that some companies have tens of thousands of people on their email list should give you cause to open your eyes now and take action. 

To build your list you will need a landing page and an autoresponder. Get response gives the best service because it gives you both landing pages and an auto responder. They let you try their service for one month free.  But the reason they are great is because the have the best autoresponders and you can make a landing page just by dragging and clicking images in their page builder.  It's great for beginners because you don't need to make your own site and you can set up a good lead capture page in minutes.  You can start for free by clicking here.

I will eventually put up a guide just on email marketing and autoresponders, but for now what you want to do is set up a landing page and pre-write several newsletters into  your autoresponder.  You get people to sign up to your list by offering them a free ebook which you will send them by email.  Then you send them some useful tips once a week and mix in some promotional emails.  As your list grows and you master writing your emails you will start making money while you sleep because the emails are sent automatically by your autoresponder.

Like I said in the introduction, it takes time to build the money machine, but once its fully running, it works for you even when you are sleeping or on vacation.

8. How to Use Your Own Promotional Materials

Most affiliates rely on promotional materials that are supplied by the owner of the product. That would include things like solo add swipes, banners, pre-written sales copy, and not to mention their product images.

Even if your affiliate company gives you quality materials, the fact that everyone else will be using the same materials will make them less effective.  You need to stand out and the only way to do that is to find your own unique way of promoting the product on your own website, blog, your youtube channel etc. 

The same goes when using paid ads.  You will need to have your own sales copy, your own hand written emails.  If your using facebook adds or google addwords, lead them to your own lead capture page, or sales page.  If you use solo ads make your own promotional emails, don't just copy and paste the email swipes that the company gives you. Again: stand out, be original and success will be yours in good time.

9. Master Getting Targeted Traffic to Your Website, Blog, and Landing Pages 

There are two ways of getting targeted traffic to your websites and landing pages: paid and non paid.  Paid traffic can make you the most money, but you need to first learn the ropes.  If you jump into paid traffic traffic without knowing what your doing, you will lose your shirt.  

Here are some forms of paid traffic that serious affiliate marketers use:

Google Adwords
Bing Ads
Facebook Ads
Solo Ads


Solo ads are your best bet when starting out, while the others usually require training and some expertise.  So feel free to google them or get an ebook on the topic.  For now your better to stick to mastering solo ads and free traffic methods.

Non-paid traffic can make you a lot of money as well, but it takes time and work to build it up and to make sure that it is only quality targeted visitors.  For this reason I don't like the term 'free traffic' because it is misleading.  Free traffic isn't free because it takes work and skill.  But, unlike paid traffic it's less risky so you should start out with un paid traffic first.  I have published a very useful guide on getting free traffic which I recommend studying and using once you have set up your landing pages and websites.  

To learn more about free traffic click here:

Six Ways to Get Free Traffic in 2019

Some Parting Words

Traffic is important, but it’s useless if you haven’t built up a good system using a website, blog, lead capture page and autoresponder first.  All of these things should be set up first if you want to reap any real benefits from your traffic campaigns.  Also all of this should only be done after much research and planning.  Remember this is a long term game, you will be building your own brand, so you need to make sure that your product and niche is a winner. If you take the steps I have shown you here and perfected them, you will have a money machine ready to start.  To power this money machine, you will then need to master paid and non-paid traffic.  So, if you stick to this plan and do your research, slowly but surely you can reach a point where you can decide your own pay check.  

Bonus Video

Hi guys here is a bonus video from one of the best in the business Franklin Hatchet.  He will walk you through quick way to get started making money from click bank which you can use to make money fairly quickly which you are doing all the steps that I showed you in this article.

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